Ten Texas Babies
This fond send-up of all things Texas is a delightful romp through the Lone Star State from acclaimed Texas author David Davis. The warm, lively illustrations from husband-and-wife team Shelley Ann Jackson and Jeff Crosby draw on the artists’ love of their state.

Ten Texas babies make mischief and fun in this adorable counting book. Children and adults will laugh as these tiny tots run rampant through the Lone Star countryside, getting into the most unlikely jams. The young’uns count down from ten, picking bushels of pecans, scrubbing a piglet, and playing the fiddle. Count back up as the babies swipe Grandmaw’s bonnet, cook trail-drive stew, and try to catch an armadillo. After running, swimming, and cooking all day, it’s bedtime for the tired tykes.

Mosey on over, draw up a seat, and count to ten, Texas style!

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